Durango 2020 Autumn Arts Fest

The Durango Autumn Arts Festival was held despite the challenges of COVID, and by all accounts it was a success! It was the only planned Durango event that wasn’t cancelled as of this writing, so kudos to the Durango Arts Center for making it happen. This year, I opted for a double space and larger booth to better showcase more of my larger sculptures, and I was really pleased with how it worked out. I really did need the space to fit in some of my larger bells and garden sculptures. In fact, I was surprised with winning the Best of Show: Booth award, my first award associated with my art. Thank you DAC!

I’d also really like to thank my two good friends, Dan and Diane, for driving down from Denver to help me put on the show. I literally could not have done it without them. They helped with everything from loading the trailer, packing up all of the art, setting up the booth, working with customers, keeping me company, and generally doing whatever needed to be done.

Finally, many thanks to all of the people who came out for the show and especially to those who purchased my artwork. I really do appreciate all of your support.

Next year I do hope to travel to one or two other art shows and I’ll be sure to let you know, just follow my Instagram and look for updates.